When dealing with plumbing problems in Littleton, you must first identify the type of plumbing problem you have. There are a lot of different kinds of plumbing emergencies, but the two or three that you might think are the most serious (like a burst pipe) often just lead to water damage in your home. Water is a powerful force, and it will find its way to the path of least resistance—a path that usually makes a real mess and sometimes gets into some really unfortunate places in your home (like inside your walls, under your floors, etc.). On the other hand, if an upstairs bathroom is producing a lot of funny smells, it might be time to call a plumbing service before the second floor starts looking and smelling like a sewer.
Plumbing emergencies in Littleton often involve clogged drains, a common problem for many homeowners. Clogs can occur in various places, including sinks, toilets, and showers, to which debris such as hair, soap, grease, or food particles seems to be irresistibly drawn. Once a drain starts to clog, it's either going to slow down considerably or stop working altogether, and that almost always means the water is going to back up—if not spill over—into your home. Experts recommend taking immediate action if your drain starts to act up in the first place; otherwise, things could get a lot worse very quickly. What kinds of things do Littleton plumbers use to clear up drain problems? Clogs are relatively easy to diagnose and fix, so that's the good news right off the bat. Most of what Littleton plumbers work on is not life-threatening and can be dealt with in a timely and efficient manner.
Another common reason homeowners in Littleton contact emergency plumbing services is that their water heater has stopped working. Whether the heater has completely given out and is not providing any hot water, the temperatures it is providing are inconsistent, or it is leaking, a bad water heater can really throw off the comfort and convenience of a home. While regular maintenance can help avoid many of the common problems associated with water heaters, when something goes wrong, it is important to have a professional do a proper assessment of the problem and make any necessary repairs. A bad water heater that is not providing any hot water, however, is not the only reason homeowners might need to call for emergency help. Still, the foregoing is probably the most common scenario associated with calling for emergency plumbing services and concerns that many have when they think of "bad water heater.