Federal Heights requires a unique and robust plumbing system that can stand up to the region's demands. Colorado's varied climate, with scorching summers and intense winters, demands plumbing that can endure both high heat and extreme cold. So, when new homes are being constructed or existing homes are being remodeled, it's critical to install not just any piping, but piping guaranteed to be impervious to both ends of the temperature spectrum. PEX, for instance, is a material that can withstand freezing temperatures. Consult with a local plumber who knows the county, state, and mountain regional laws inside and out. Then, when you do remodel or build new, feel confident in your plumbing's ability to withstand the test of time—and temperature.
In homes throughout Federal Heights, an efficient water heater is a necessity, particularly in winter. Choosing the right sort of heater—tank, tankless, or solar—can have a significant and salutary effect on one's energy bills and the ease with which one can access hot water. Advances in energyefficient technologies mean that even the plumbing pseudo-experts at The Home Depot fulfill their promises more satisfactorily than an understaffed local library. Nevertheless, one must still reckon with this basic equation: No matter how sophisticated the technology, no matter how "green" the system, a household that doesn't do maintenance is a household that won't see its water-heating system perform to anything like the level it could or should.
Draining systems in Federal Heights need extra special attention because of the area's unique geography and weather patterns. Federal Heights is situated in an area of nearly flat topography. Its highest elevation—over 5,500 feet—occurs only within a mile of the town's eastern border. This slight rise does little to create the kind of topographic relief that would direct water away from the kind of structures prone to flooding, especially when intense precipitation (such as occurs during the rainy season) is more common in the region's climate. That's why it is extremely important to install drainage systems that work, moving water away from yard and house foundations and keeping the structures above water. "Green" plumbing solutions, such as eliminating downspouts and going to a rainwater catchment system, could supplement Federal Heights' green space—certainly a more eco-friendly approach to the insufficient number of trees in the town.