The plumbing industry has an opportunity to change its ways and reduce its ecological impact. At our company, we are 100% committed to making this revolution happen. We cannot say we are the first, but we also do not know of anyone doing what we do. Our approach is unique. First, we use only eco-friendly materials. These have been carefully selected, and while some may question their green credentials, we have sufficient reason to trust our materials: They are made by companies that we have vetted and that have committed to using environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. Our fixtures are fashioned from metals that are up to five times more recyclable than the average plumbing material. And they are made close to home, minimizing the carbon footprint associated with transporting them.
Using eco-friendly materials and advanced technologies is just a part of our overall approach to conserving water in our green plumbing solutions. Our systems are designed to optimize water usage without compromising performance, and that means very little, if anything, goes to waste. We offer water fixtures that serve the same functions as their old world, pre-EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) 1976, counterparts; however, they save considerable amounts of water because they don't function as if water is in unlimited supply. Gesher's plumbing is fine-tuned to your needs, enabling you to use your plumbing without feeling like you have to conserve. If anything, our systems serve up the illusion of plenty, which is what we need to do if we're to make green plumbing palatable.
We think every decision made in the plumbing sphere can affect the environment—some for the better, some for the worse. Our aim is to create as many "better" decisions as possible in as many plumbing situations as we can. We want those decisions to lead to some pretty profound ripple effects, effecting positive changes in environmental plumbing practices out there in the world today, effecting those changes mostly in what we see as four big areas: 1) a commitment to eco-friendly and cost-effective materials; 2) an ethos of "use less, waste less"; 3) a plumbing practice almost completely liberated from power tools that gobble down fossil fuels; and 4) radically redefined plumbing practices in line with the demand for a healthy, clean, sustainable, and green modern world for future generations.