Toilets in homes across Berkley exist at many levels of comfort and function, and when one isn't working right, you definitely notice it. Several kinds of problems can beset the average toilet. Some are easy, if messy, to deal with; others require a fair amount of plumbing know-how or the kind of working understanding of toilet mechanisms that a professional repair person often has. Clear signs can lead you to the issuing mechanism. For example, a running toilet is a clear sign that something inside the toilet is amiss; conversely, if a toilet that's supposed to flush isn't doing so, this is definitely a sign that something's wrong. This guide outlines a few common toilet problems, how to diagnose them, and what you can do to fix them.
Toilets that leak are a pervasive problem within Berkley. Mostly, it's the valve parts that need replacing—flapper valves, flush valves, the occasional valve seat. Most of the time, when you call us about a "leaky toilet," what you're really calling about is the part of the toilet that isn't sealing as well as it should. It's not that the toilet itself is leaking but that one component (or another) of the toilet is leaking. And the first step to stopping the leak is finding out which one of those components is the culprit. Once we've done that, we'll either replace the component or re-seal it, which is what really accounts for the "leaky toilet" fix.
Toilet repairs in Berkley sometimes require more than simple, mechanical solutions. When you do have toilet problems, you want them taken care of fast. Nobody enjoys dealing with a clogged toilet. And if your toilet has a crack in it, you definitely want that fixed as soon as possible. But could these situations really require the expertise of a professional plumber? Yes. In fact, many toilet problems can (and usually do) end up with a professional plumbing company taking care of them. After all, maintaining the integrity of your plumbing system is vital to the well-being of your whole house. And nobody wants to be the homeowner whose plumbing system suddenly suffers a catastrophic failure. Whether your issues are minor or major, let a plumbing pro save the day.