In Castle Rock, plumbing requirements differ from residence to residence and from business to business; no two are quite alike. Properties here range from the very old to the recently constructed, and each has its own unique plumbing set-up and challenges. It is particularly important in considering plumbing needs to understand just what kind of system we're dealing with and how old it is, or, in the case of newer structures, how up-to-date the plumbing is. Many homes in this area use PEX or copper; some old holdouts use galvanized steel (don't ask) or other now-dated materials. Regardless, understanding just what kind of plumbing a property has and who installed it (and to what local or national code), is a crucial first step in any plumbing assessment.
The local climate is another essential aspect of plumbing in Castle Rock. The region has a wide variety of weather, from blistering hot, dry summers to freezing cold, snowy winters that can put your plumbing system to the test. The intense Colorado sunshine can also take its toll, aging and degrading certain materials. During your annual plumbing inspection, it is important to pay particular attention to insulation, as that will help ensure that your pipes are safe from freezing temperatures. If your plumbing is over eight years old, it is high time to upgrade it with some hardy new materials. PEX, which stands for cross-linked polyethylene, is the up-and-coming prefab piping material that has a 50-year lifespan, is very cost-effective, and can take the intense Colorado weather.
When you're trying to figure out what kind of plumbing services you require, it's helpful to think in terms of either repairs or new installations. If your plumbing situation is bad enough, it could entail something that falls in between, such as replacing nearly all of the plumbing in your house, which also presents a great opportunity to think carefully about how to proceed and not just use the same materials as before. That kind of logic could also save you space, energy, and water, thus giving you a "green" renovation that helps the environment. The fact that most bathtubs, sinks, and toilets use a lot of water means the very technologies you choose to install or upgrade can "make a difference," as they say.